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Women in Travel Tech (WiTT) seeks to create an intimate peer-to-peer forum for female thought leaders in travel tech to share strategy, explore ideas among experts and solicit unbiased peer feedback. Our mission is to advance women in travel tech businesses to leadership positions, and to foster and support travel tech companies founded, led and funded by women.

Advancing women in travel tech leadership




Why Women?

Earth's population is 50% women and 60% of all undergraduate degrees are earned by women, yet women make up...

  • 14% of Fortune 500 executives

  • 8.1% top earners

  • 4.6% Fortune 500 CEOs

  • 16.9% Fortune 500 Board seats

This math doesn't add up. Together we'll change that.


Bring business into balance

Relying on the strength of one gender as leaders can result in an imbalance of perspectives and ideas. When women and men work side by side on leadership teams and in boardrooms, the diversity of perspectives can lead to more innovative thinking. This better balance, in turn, can result in greater productivity, improved engagement, higher profits, and a sustainable competitive advantage.


Innovate travel tech

Women make 70% of all travel-buying decisions, according to Female Factor, a consulting firm focused on the behavior of female consumers. With the primary purchaser being a woman, the travel companies benefit from a leadership team mirroring their greatest consumer.

Positively impact earnings

Companies with the largest representation of women on executive committees perform significantly better than companies with no women at the top, according to the global management consulting firm McKinsey & Co., which publishes an ongoing research series titled "Women Matter: The business and economic case for gender diversity."

Deliver greater return on equity

Investment research and analytics company MSCI ESG Research, in their published report titled "Women On Boards," which found that companies with strong female leadership generated a return on equity of 10.1% per year versus 7.4% for those that lacked female leadership.

A reduction in barriers to female labor force participation would increase the size of America’s GDP by 9 percent, the Euro Zone’s by 13 percent, and Japan’s by 16 percent.
— Goldman Sachs

We're building a leadership community for women in travel technology.




With a small group size, WiTT cultivates an inclusive, non-competitive atmosphere that feels genuine, comfortable, trusted and safe for all members. Business is at the top of our agenda, and we explore it with Professional, Personal and Practical topics that support a fluid-feeling, natural dialogue. All are heard and every idea is explored.
